نقي لحلول المياه

About us

Naqi هي شركة سعودية رائدة في توفير حلول تحلية المياه والأجهزة المنزلية المبتكرة بتشكيلة واسعة إلى المملكة العربية السعودية ومنها للخليج و دول الشرق الأوسط والعالم، فلاتر  هي مصدر شرب آمن لكل منزل، كما تعتبر فلاتر نقي حلاً بديلاً يحمي البيئة ويحافظ على إستدامتها بما يتوافق مع أهداف الإستدامة البيئية لرؤية 2030 وأهداف الإستدامة البيئية العالمية. تعمل Naqi we are constantly innovating and developing solutions in the water sector, based on our goal to provide healthy water for all، Naqi هي بلا شك أفضل وصي لصحة عائلتك يسمح لك بشرب ماءٍ نقي حصلت نقي على إعتماد نظام إدارة الجودة العالمي شهادة ISO 2015-9001
Our vision
Naqi Company seeks to be a pioneer in providing innovative water desalination solutions and home appliances with a wide range to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and from there to the Gulf, the Middle East and the world, as it focuses on providing high-quality products that meet the diverse needs of customers, thus supporting their aspirations for a better and more sustainable future.
Our message
To provide every home with pure, uncontaminated, healthy water without chemicals that do not pollute the environment or leave behind transportation emissions, that is always around us and restores water to its place as a human right that exists under one’s roof without the need to buy, carry, and transport it. “Your water factory in your home.”
Naqi devices contributes to providing solutions for environmental sustainability and acts as an alternative and environmentally friendly solution that reduces the damage of harmful plastic emissions to the environment and the damage caused by means of transportation, and also contributes to improving the quality of daily life for the individual by providing a permanent water source under every roof.