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Naqi Black edition 400 Gallon

1,499.00 SR


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Product Description


Filtration stages:

The first stage (Cotton filter):

It consists of a cotton candle made of polypropylene that purifies up to 5 microns as it removes solid impurities such as sand, clay, algae and rust.

second stage (granular carbon):

Made of thermally activated carbon, its function is to remove dissolved gases and treat water from unwanted substances such as chlorine, taste, smell and color.

Third stage (carbon steel)

It is made of carbon steel with pores of 1 micron and its function is to remove the smallest impurities before the water enters the fourth stage.

The fourth stage (salts filter):

unit known as the membrane. It contains very fine and narrow pores of up to 0.0001 microns, which works on osmosis and removes 100% of bacteria and salts.
And heavy metals by 96% as an expulsion rate is called a mechanical expulsion that does not use any chemicals

The fifth stage (post carbon)

A carbon filter made from coconut shells removes any unpleasant odor or taste after the water stored in the tank.

Model Black – Q – 400G
Structure materials (Height 47 - Width 44 - Depth 24)
net weight 12KG
water entering pressure 14.5 – 58 psi
water tempreture  38 – 5 °C
Power V 240 – 220
Frequency HZ 60 – 50
Ability W 100
productivity 400 G/D
Country of origin صنع في الصين وفق مواصفات ومعايير شركة نقي.var TGSort=window.TGSort||function(n){“use strict”;function r(n){return n?n.length:0}function t(n,t,e,o=0){for(e=r(n);o=r(n)?t:NaN}function d(n){var e=[],o=n;return t([f,s,c],function(u){var a=[],i=[];t(n,function(n,r){r=u(n),a.push(r),r||i.push(n)}),r(i)1&&r(i[0])<r(i[1])?1:0,v=f+1,p=i[f],h=r(p),l=[],g=[],N=[],m=v;m<c;++m){for(var T=0;T<h;++T){r(g)<h&&g.push([]);var C=i[m][T],L=C.textContent||C.innerText||"";g[T].push(L.trim())}N.push(m-v)}t(p,function(n,t){l[t]=0;var a=n.classList;a.add("tg-sort-header"),n.addEventListener("click",function(){var n=l[t];!function(){for(var n=0;n0?”tg-sort-asc”:”tg-sort-desc”),l[t]=n;var i,f=g[t],m=function(r,t){return n*f[r].localeCompare(f[t])||n*(r-t)},T=function(n){var t=d(n);if(!r(t)){var u=o(n),a=o(n.map(e));t=d(n.map(function(n){return n.substring(u,r(n)-a)}))}return t}(f);(r(T)||r(T=r(u(i=f.map(Date.parse),isNaN))?[]:i))&&(m=function(r,t){var e=T[r],o=T[t],u=isNaN(e),a=isNaN(o);return u&&a?0:u?-n:a?n:e>o?n:e<o?-n:n*(r-t)});var C,L=N.slice();L.sort(m);for(var E=v;E<c;++E)(C=s[E].parentNode).removeChild(s[E]);for(E=v;E<c;++E)C.appendChild(s[v+L[E-v]])})})}}n.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){for(var t=n.getElementsByClassName("tg"),e=0;e<r(t);++e)try{v(t[e])}catch(n){}})}(document)


( الرياض – الدمام – القصيم – خميس مشيط – جدة ) متوفر فيـ

يعد جهاز تحلية المياه هذا حلاً متطورًا وصحيًا للمنازل الكبيرة والمطاعم. يتميز بتقنية متقدمة تتضمن عدة مراحل لتحلية المياه ، مما يضمن لك مياه صحية وامنة . يمكن لهذا الجهاز تحلية ما يصل إلى 400 جالون من المياه يوميًا، مما يوفر مياه نقية وآمنة للاستخدام اليومي في المنازل والمطاعم. تثبيته سهل ومريح مما يجعله حلاً مثاليًا لضمان توافر المياه النقية بشكل دائم وموثوق به في المنازل والمطاعم.

Device features:

* control panel
* black faucet
* Free cooler cover
* Floor mounting base
* a clock to measure the water pressure in the device
*A clock to measure the water pressure in the tank
• قطعة كهربائي تعمل على غسيل (RO) للحفاظ على عمره الإفتراضي
An electric valve that stops water entering the device when the tank is full


1-(سلك توصيل بمنفذ الكهرباء 220
2-(صنبوراسود 3-(ليات
4-(محبس مصدر 5-(قاعدة تثبيت للبزبوز
6-(مفتاح للهاوس
7-(4 مسامير مع خابور
8-[وصلة لي 9-(كتالوج


The device should not be exposed to sunlight and weathering directly.
• If the device will not be used for a long time, the water must be emptied from the device
• The water temperature entering the device must be between 5-38 degrees Celsius
• If the device will not be used for a long time, the water must be emptied from the device

Note: Filters and membranes are consumables and their replacement time depends on the quality of water supplied to the device

Note: Filters and membranes are consumables and their replacement time depends on the quality of water supplied to the device


* Two-year warranty on electrical parts
• Free service for 5 years on breakdowns and smuggling (technician’s fee).

Country of manufacture 

Made in China according to Naqi company specifications and standards

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